Massage therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) which aims to enhance a person's health and well-being.
Sports massage, vs. traditional Swedish massage, focuses on on targeting specific parts of the body, while being more therapeutic and specialized. Massage is known to affect the circulation of blood and lymph, reduce muscular tension, affect the nervous system through stimulation or sedation, and enhance tissue healing.
Reduction of muscle tension
and stiffness
Relief of muscle spasms
Greater flexibility and range
of motion
Relief of stress, aids relaxation and promotes
a feeling of wellbeing
Improvement of circulation of the blood
and movement of lymph
Relief of tension-related conditions, such as
headaches and eye strain
Promotion of faster healing of soft tissue injuries, pulled muscles, sprained ligaments, and reduction in pain and swelling related to injury
Reduction in the formation of excessive scar tissue
following soft tissue injuries
At Salveo Physiotherapy our massages are performed by Physiotherapists, who have an in-depth knowledge of anatomy and who specialize in massage, so you know that you're in safe hands.
Our therapists use their extensive knowledge, varied techniques and experience in manual soft tissue therapy to be able to offer soft tissue massage that is tailored to your needs whether for relaxation, specific clinical needs or for sports specific massage.
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