Musculoskeletal physiotherapy is a specialist evidence-based treatment for patients who are exhibiting symptoms such as pain or stiffness caused by a disorder or injury of the musculoskeletal system (that is: bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage).

These disorders can develop either suddenly or gradually over time, they can be due to repetitive or overloading issues or through sports injuries.

This means that we treat acute injuries such as low back pain (including disc problems), whiplash, ligament sprains, muscle strains, trauma and nerve pain, as well as chronic problems such as joint disorders (arthritis), previous injuries, tendinopathy/tendinitis and degenerative problems.

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy aims to help you recover from your condition and return to normal function quickly. This can help to prevent and limit secondary issues from developing. It also aims to limit recurrences in the future.

Generally, the earlier treatment commences, the faster the return to health, work or sport. Long-standing problems can also respond well to an accurate diagnosis and a comprehensive treatment plan.

How can Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Help You?

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy contributes to your recovery in a number of ways.

Relives Pain

Improves range of motion, ease

and quality of movement

Decreases swelling

and inflammation

Improves muscle

strength and flexibility

Improves coordination

and control of movement

Helps you to achieve physical exercise

or fitness goals

Promotes optimum technique in

sport and exercise

Teaches healthy ways of moving to reduce the likelihood of developing musculoskeletal disorders in the future

Provides you with a physiotherapy program to help you to continue your recovery at home or at the gym.

They can also formulate a maintenance program once you have recovered to make sure you continue to benefit from your physical therapy

Speed your recovery and allow you to return to normal

activities as early as possible

Improve your day to day level of independence

and self-sufficiency

What to Expect at your First Appointment

Initial assessment appointments can take up to 45 minutes, depending on how complex your problem and medical history is. You may need to undress to allow the physio to see the affected body part so you may want to bring a pair of shorts to change into if you have a lower back or leg problem.

In the first session your physio will discuss your problem with you, take a detailed medical history and use a series of tests and assessments in order to give you a diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been reached, an individualized treatment plan will be provided and discussed.

If musculoskeletal physiotherapy is recommended for you, don't be afraid to ask questions of your physiotherapist and make sure you understand what treatment is recommended and that your expectations are realistic.

If further tests are required, such as scans, x-rays or a consultant opinion then this will be explained and discussed with you. Treatment is normally started in the initial appointment if it is appropriate, allowing you to start your recovery immediately.

Don’t continue to suffer in silence, there is always something that can be done to help you at Salveo Physiotherapy.


Address: 4a Westgate, Cowbridge, CF71 7AR


Phone: 07825 433562


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